
Family Housing

The school offers affordable housing for rent to students with families. To qualify for an apartment, a student must be accepted for admission, and must qualify for the American Baptist Association Scholarship. Please contact the Dean of Students (501) 455-4588 for prices and other information concerning family housing.


Dormitory space is also available for single students who qualify for affordable housing. Please contact the Dean of Students (501)455-4588 for prices and other information concerning dormitory housing.

Food pantry

The seminary offers a student pantry to all active students. This is a true blessing that the school is able to offer to all of its students, and it is all in thanks to the loving generosity that has been shown by sister churches within our work, as well as many local individual donors. The pantry is regularly stocked with non-perishable food items, as well as refrigerated and frozen foods. There is also a second-hand clothing rack stocked with men's and women's clothing for all students to take advantage of as well. If you would like more information on how you or your church can contribute to this wonderful ministry, please call the office at (501) 455-4588.